Echo is currently in public Alpha. Need help? Have a suggestion? Join our Discord community.

Introduction to Echo

Novu Echo SDK allows you to write notification workflows in your codebase. Workflows are functions that execute business logic and use your preferred libraries for email, SMS, and chat generation. You can use Echo with React.Email, MJML, or any other template generator.

Try it now

To get started, open your terminal and launch the Dev Studio.

npx novu-labs@latest echo

Looking for a Next.js with React.Email example? Clone our GitHub sample repo.

Core features

Bring Your Own Code

Write the notification workflows as functions in your codebase, version, and manage them using Git.

Limitless Integrations

Use, MJML, or fetch templates from Braze, Hubspot, Sendgrid, and more…

Type Safety

Bring your own schemas for full, end-to-end validation and type safety.

Cloud Synchronization

Sync your workflows with Novu Cloud and ease collaboration.

How it Works?

Echo introduces a new paradigm when working with Novu. Rather than to defining workflows and templates at Novu Cloud, Echo enables you to work in your application, use your own libraries and connect to your production environment during workflow execution over HTTPS.

The Echo SDK exports the client, you use to define and serve your workflows and their steps over HTTPS. The workflows can be added to your preferred framework. During workflow execution Novu Cloud makes HTTPS requests to your server during for just-in-time Content and Subscribers resolution.

For Non-Technical Users

Echo was built with non-technical user in mind, Engineers can write complex workflows and expose an Inputs interface which is type-safe powered by a JSON-Schema. This enables Non-Technical teammates to safely modify the workflow without breaking mission critical notifications.